Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Blog’s Name History

Sahara Desert
SAhaRA's Silence, this is the name I have chosen for my blog. The reason why I have chosen this name maybe a common reason to some people, for they knew what my personality is. I have chosen this name base on my characteristics, personality, and attitude seen by others for the past time of my life up to the present time.
 I have written SAhaRA for the first word of my blog's name. I got this from my first name Sarah. Sahara was the first word came out of my mind when I was thinking. In fact, sahara was one of my favorite word since I was a sixth grader because whenever I hear that word, it seems to be that I hear my name. Since then, I always use the word sahara for some purposes like using it as a pen name whenever I join an essay writing contest. Another is that Sahara is one of my favorite deserts for it is the widest desert in the whole world.
For the second word of my blog, I have chosen "Silence". Silence means absence of sound or refusal to make a sound. I have chosen this because I thought for the silence of Sahara dessert. For me, I consider its silence as an appreciative feature of it.
I linked the silence of Sahara dessert to my personality as a student. For some people, especially for my classmates, I am a type of a quiet person. But, even if I'm a quiet person, I'm not a loner and timid one. My silence depends on the circumstance. When there's a need for silence, I become quiet unlike other people who continue in making nonsense noise. But, when there's no need for silence, I start to enjoy. Even if I'm a quiet person, I always try to be sociable. I enjoy hanging out not only with my friends but also to some people who is not that close to me, making fun with them, and making the most out of every second with them.
            That's the reason why I came out of to the name SAhaRA's Silence. I combined the ideas of the two words and its ideas seem to be compatible to my personality. For me, this a good name because aside from its thoughts being well-suited to my personality, I can also find my name there that can help a blogger to have an idea that this blog belongs to Sarah.

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